Past and Present Stop Motion Animation

Past and Present Stop Motion Animation
Stop Motion has been around for more than half a century and has been adapted in more ways than one. Stop motion can be made by anyone with a camera but with the right equipment it can be a masterpiece
Coke Stop Motion:

In this animation a single man is playing around with coke and a glass, it involves the man putting the coke into the glass without even touching the can, he also stacks the can up and moves them around. I think this animation is a good use of the camera angle as the single man doesn’t need to move his body. Star wars fans may appreciate this animation as it looks like he is using the “force” to control the cans and glass.

Stop Motion Drawing:

In this animation someone has drew a blue phone which someone is using, suddenly a lot of things are trying to get to it, such as, a hand, scissors, a gorilla hand and an old woman’s hand, when they all get to it the phone turns into a mobile phone which they get one each of. Then the hands are erased and the person draws a computer instead which everyone also tries to get to. This is a good use of drawing as it looks like an alive moving image. However, in the animation a light shines on it which makes it look less professional.
7th Voyage of Sinbad

This animation is from the classic 1958 film ‘The 7th Voyage of Sinbad where a Cyclops is a fighting a lizard creature, This was seen as cutting edge special effects in the 50’s and 60’s and the film won lots of awards for its success.  They use stop motion to get the effects of the creatures battling. This is a good stop motion animation as it was one of the first major stop motions to come out and it influenced a lot more films to be made like this.

E4 Ident:

In the animation two blobs, a purple one and a white one, have faces and are staring at each other, they begin to play rock, papers scissors and the white one gets cut into two pieces, the purple one is then faced with two white blobs then the white blobs attack the purple one to make an E4 logo. This is a good stop motion animation as it looks professional and anyone can do it if they have a camera.
Star Wars Stop Motion:

In this animation it shows the use of lego star wars pieces to make a short trailer for the game.  It involves the lego clone troopers and Yoda fighting the lego droids in a desert area, plus it adds lego humour to it by make the clones jump really high out the way. This is a good use of stop motion as it is simple and enjoyable to watch