Stop Motion Assignment Brief

Stop Motion Review Results

Looking at results of the questionnaire, the majority of the people that were asked gave a positive opinion on it. Over half the people thought the stop motion appealed to them, more than half thought the stop motion was suitable for television and found it entertaining to watch. At the end of the questionnaire people gave honest opinions on how it could be improved.

Project Proposal

Unit 33 Stop Motion Animation
Statement of intent

Task: Generate finished ideas for a 60 second stop motion animation, with original soundtrack.

(You must consider your potential audience. You should submit: An appropriate treatment/script; a detailed and annotated storyboard with timings; All pre-production test material (visual and sound) and development work).

Candidate name: Joshua Moss

Theme: E stings
Title of the Animation: Jelly
Story or plot of animation
The animation starts off with a jelly on a plate and bits of it disappear, when all the jelly disappears, the camera zooms into the plate doing a close up on the E4 logo. At the last second a spoon with a burp noise appears.

Reasons for selection of theme (including inspiration from the work of others)
I chose this theme for my esting because it will be a simple and quick animation. The inspiration for my esting were the stop motion videos of making stuff disappear without explanation, such as, coke cans, food and people.

Target Audience            
The target audience for my stop motion would be anyone that watches the E4 channel and people who like to eat jelly.

Equipment needed
·         Camera
·         Jelly
·         Plate
·         Cling Film
·         An E4 logo
·         Tripod
·         Spoon
Techniques that will be used and how they will help convey the visual message
The techniques that will be used in the stop motion will be camera angles, a high angle shot of the jelly disappearing and a close up of the jelly to define the E4 logo

Ideas for sound track
The soundtrack I will be using for my stop motion would be ‘Eat It – Weird Al Yankovic’ as it it goes well with jelly being “Eaten”.

Risk and health and safety considerations
 Risks that could happen in the stop motion would be;
·         That the cameraman would drop the camera in the jelly
·         Could choke on the jelly
·         Table could break and fall on someone’s foot
·         Tripod could snap and break the camera